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Informations et ressources scientifiques sur le développpement des zones arides et semi-arides
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Informations et ressources scientifiques sur le développement des zones arides et semi-arides
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Evolving landscape added fuel to Gobi Desert’s high-speed winds
As groundwater depletes, arid American West is moving east
Soil pores hold the key to stability for desert soils
Additional warming of just 0.5 C has a huge effect on global aridity
One of the world’s driest deserts is the focus of a new study on our changing climate
Drone and Landsat imagery shows long-term change in vegetation cover along intermittent river
Rock humidity in Spain’s dehesas : An additional source of water for vegetation
Genome of wild legume provides insights into tolerance to environmental stress
Research team traces ten million years of climate history in the Arabian Peninsula
Western U.S. Drought Conditions Continue in Spring 2021 – And It’s Expected to Worsen
Which areas will climate change render uninhabitable ? Climate models alone cannot say
Over half of the world’s rivers cease to flow for at least one day a year on average
Records Fall in Extreme Early Summer Heatwave
Desert Marigold Arsenic Uptake and Phytoremediation Potential on Mine Tailings in the Eastern Mojave Desert
Predicting drought-induced cracks in dikes with artifical intelligence
Poaching in southern Africa : identifying leverage points for effective intervention
Analysis of Drought Characteristics Based on Multiple Indices in the Hexi Inland River Basin
Conjunctive Regulation of Surface Water and Groundwater with HYDRUS-MODFLOW in Arid Oasis Irrigated Land
Genetic Variability in Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]
Impact du développement agricole sur les zones humides du Maroc : étude de cas dans le Haut Sebou
Saffron field classification and flowering phenology detection using sentinel-2 time series in Torbat-e Heydariyeh, Iran.
Rainwater harvesting in semi-arid Kenya : Practices and prospects
Development of an approach for the evaluation of wastewater reuse options for arid and semi-arid area.
Drought in Southern Africa : structure, characteristics and impacts
Land Evaluation in Semi-arid Region Using Remotely Sensed Derived Vegetation Index under Extreme Drought Event
Influencia varietal y ambiental en las características agronómicas y de calidad del trigo duro (Triticum turgidum (L.) Thell. ssp. durum Desf.). Implicaciones en la selección de nuevas variedades.
Urban heat Island mitigation strategies in an arid climate. In outdoor thermal comfort reacheable
Can Telecentres successfully empower communities ? Planning Design Execution and Evaluation of a South African Rural-agricultural Telecentre
Proposition d’un indicateur écosystémique culturel : mesurer l’impact des visites récréatives des zones humides méditerranéennes sur le bien-être humain.
Factors Contributing To Conflict Among The Pastoral Communities : The Case Of Baringo South Sub - County, Baringo County, Kenya
La terre entre racines, épargnes et spéculations. Appropriations foncières et recompositions de l’espace rural à Regueb (Tunisie)
Molecular and Protein Analysis for the Identification of Salt Tolerance of the In-vitro Propagated Lemon Genotypes
Agro-Environmental Sustainability in MENA Regions
Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region
Current and Future Trends of Rainfall Erosivity and Soil Erosion in Central Asia
Desert Landscapes and Landforms of Iran
Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Tunisia
Migration and Environmental Change in Morocco — In search for Linkages Between Migration Aspirations and (Perceived) Environmental Changes
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers : Their Environment from Headwaters to Mouth
When the Sahara Was Green : How Our Greatest Desert Came to Be
Sustainability of Engineered Rivers In Arid Lands - Challenge and Response
Prosopis as a Heat Tolerant Nitrogen Fixing Desert Food Legume
Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
Drought characteristics and management in North Africa and the Near East
La dépendance alimentaire de l’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient à l’horizon 2050
Management of Drought and Water Scarcity
A palaeoecological approach to savanna dynamics and shrub encroachment in Namibia
Les enjeux sociopolitiques de l’agroécologie dans un contexte marqué par des acteurs internationaux : le cas du Sénégal
Satellite data in rainfall-runoff models : Exploring new opportunities for semi-arid, data-scarce river basins
Integración de imágenes de sensores remotos en el desarrollo de indicadores medioambientales en cuencas mediterráneas. Aplicación al seguimiento de su estado hídrico y productividad
Geology and potentiality of basalts in Jabal Eghei area (Libya)
Assessing and Predicting the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Groundwater Using Geospatial Techniques : A Case Study of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Precision fertigation management for cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) under semi-arid tropics of Maharashtra
Modélisation hydraulique et vulnérabilité territoriale aux inondations en milieu montagneux semi-aride : cas des bassins versants de l’Ourika et la Rheraya (Maroc)
Effects of Drought on Grain Yield of Main Grain Producing Areas in China and Countermeasures for Drought Resistance
Comprehensive Assessment of Drought in the Tarim River Basin Based on GLDAS and GRACE Data
Adapter les stratégies agricoles aux évolutions socio-économiques et climatiques en milieu méditerranéen : comparaison de l’usage de l’eau et des choix de plantes des agriculteurs dans la plaine de la Békaa (Liban) et de Marvdasht (Iran)
Bacterial Endophytes from Pioneer Desert Plants for Sustainable Agriculture
Modélisation hydraulique et vulnérabilité territoriale aux inondations en milieu montagneux semi-aride : cas des bassins versants de l’Ourika et la Rheraya (Maroc)
Analyse des typologies d’élevage et des performances des bovins en vue d’évaluer des stratégies de développement des ressources génétiques bovines au Mali
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